Exchange Transfusions, ventilators….

I started doing my first night duty in the Neonatology unit today. Saravanan was with me and Dr. Anil was the consultant on call. We started off light but by seven o’clock we got a 2 day old child with severe jaundice( due to the difference in blood group between the baby and the mother) and we planned an exchange transfusion (a procedure where we take off the baby’s blood and transfuse fresh blood). There was no intern with us but I literally bumped into Rohit, who has just joined his post-graduate course in Pediatrics , and he was more than happy to do it. So Rohit and I scrubbed up for the procedure and I taught him how to do it. The procedure was thankfully uneventful and we finished a lttle after midnight. In the meantime we got a sick baby with meconium aspiration and Saravanan had to connect him to a ventilator. Another baby laned up with severe jaundice but that slowly came down with intensive phototherapy alone. I didnt get to sleep the night as there were a couple of other admissions and a few minor procedures. Everything went on OK and I finally left a little after 8AM on Sunday.

Author: Benji

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