
Last week it was aspergillus and this week it’s salmonella… sorry for getting such complicated names into my blog, but my job entails me to it. If you read my entry titled ‘Lost and found – two more’ you’ll know what an eventful night I had on tuesday. To top it all, a person in the ward suddenly worsened and I spent almost till midnight seeing him.I then trudged into the office to start off and within an hour dozed off right in the office! I woke up with a start and a headache at 6:30 AM. Hurriedly I typed what I needed and then went back. A couple of hours before the presentation I re-aligned my document. I took hurried printouts, bought OHP sheets and xeroxed them onto the sheets. Amazingly I didnt get any calls during this time (just a minor call). I even had enough time to do a nice afternoon ward and ICU round before going to present my case. It went on OK – although I spoke a little fast (Gotta learn to slow down in life).

Author: Benji

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