
Its funny – the stuff you learn from life that you already knew but it hits you hard when it actually happens!
So what happens when you let a cup of curd just stay there for 1 week? You’re right – it becomes unbelievably curdled and inedible! thats a fact that i knew, but I really discovered it today.
i’d forgotten about a cup of curd that I had made last week and forgot all about it. So it lay covered in the warm kitchen corner till today when i decided to throw it out. So how did it look? The picture kinda shows you what it looked like! Trust me – it smelt worse than it looks. In a jiffy i discarded it and scrubbed the cup clean and used some air freshener. Five minutes and my kitchen was back to normal – no permanent damage done. Thank God for that!!
I also discovered another fact tonight which I already knew but is so exciting when it happens every night… speaking to Becky is the best part of the day! Right…. nothing to beat that…. and I know it everyday, but still everytime I speak to her it’s like I discover it anew again…. and again…. and again….!

Author: Benji

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