
I was reflecting on this week and realised that so many people are actually praying for MY exams and keep on encouraging me. The list is endless and I wont attempt to mention it all.
Boopalan uncle and aunty from church told me “You are on our regular prayer list Benji. Now that we’ve retired and have no work, we have taken up praying for people as our job. WE PRAY FOR YOU EVERYDAY!”
Everybody I bump into enquires if studies are going on OK.
Today there was a paper reading in the department on a topic quite relevant to my exams. It almost got cancelled because the Nursery was really busy, but simply because it would be useful for me, everyone took time off and we had it!
Jolly sends me a verse everyday by SMS.
I bumped into Sushil’s wife Anju at breakfast and she gave me an encouraging Psalm.
Sarah and Sophia texted me yesterday saying they wouldnt be in town for a few days but would be praying for me.
Vinu left today for home (he’s getting married next week) and promised to pray for my exams.
Nisha sent me a very encouraging SMS!
Appa and Amma nagged me to email them my exam schedule so that they could pray in Real Time for it. (Yeaaahhh!!)
I’ve been given leave by my department with no questions asked!
Lots and lots more tidbits, incidents, SMS and stuff…. but I wont bore you with any of the details.
I still feel very underprepared for the exams. Let’s see…..

Author: Benji

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