Giver of Life

Its not always that a Sunday School / VBS song gets chosen as the key song in a worship set, but ever since I heard the children sing this at our Church Retreat, it stuck in my head and I decided to take up the task of building a worship session around this song. We decided to let the children ‘lead’ this song by singing and doing the actions with us. I often feel that we ignore children during times of ‘worship’ at Church. God laid it upon my heart to let the Church know that the children are just as capable of worshiping during the time of singing at Church. I also wanted to let the Church know that Sunday school and VBS songs are not fun songs that kids jump around to, but have lyrics and meanings that are as deep as some hymns and worship numbers. Of course, the music tends to be kid-friendly and the lyrics are child-like! I also find that during worship time at church, new parents are a little disconnected as they tend to their little children. If the children can join in and participate in the time of worship, the parents (often tired) get a precious chance to immerse themselves in worshipping God and also experience the thrill of seeing their little ones respond or participate in Church.

Armed with these thoughts, I slowly was guided to put together a set of songs that centered around the fact that God is the Giver of Life and the Giver of Love – based on James 1:17 (All that is good, comes from above). As the songs fell in place there was an overwhelming sense of intrigue when I realised that with an amazing God as giver, the real joy was when our hearts yearned for the good things from above and hence we could receive from God the things that mattered. Our response to this receiving from God was a heart of worship! To God be the Glory.

Author: Benji

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