Today, as we drove to church, a store, a lunch get-together at Bagayam and then back home, the predominant music playing in the car was by Rend Collective.
Stumbling on to the band was semi-accidental.
When we were in Chennai last year, we worshipped at a church called Ashraya. The worship leader led in a very lively song that stuck in my mind for weeks and then slowly faded away. In November 2014, my sister visited us at Vellore with her family. As we caught up and did lots of exciting things, we also played some songs that our children liked. J said that K loved this song and then played a video for us from youtube – the song was “Build Your Kingdom” by “Rend Collective”. We instantly loved the band, their style of music and the deep lyrics. That night while I played a few more songs from the band my mind once again awoke to the song that I had heard at Ashraya – “My Lighthouse”.
JJ loved the lighthouse song and we must have contributed to half the page views on the Rend Collective Youtube Channel for the next few months.
I hunted their albums at a few Christian stores, but never found any of their albums. I tried buying the CD online at an Indian store, but never succeeded.
Finally I looked at iTunes, but discovered that my Visa Debit cards could not be used – you needed a credit card. By now I was desperate! I searched eBay and bought an iTunes card (at a 25% premium) and that night I downloaded two of their albums.
Stumbling on to the band was semi-accidental.
When we were in Chennai last year, we worshipped at a church called Ashraya. The worship leader led in a very lively song that stuck in my mind for weeks and then slowly faded away. In November 2014, my sister visited us at Vellore with her family. As we caught up and did lots of exciting things, we also played some songs that our children liked. J said that K loved this song and then played a video for us from youtube – the song was “Build Your Kingdom” by “Rend Collective”. We instantly loved the band, their style of music and the deep lyrics. That night while I played a few more songs from the band my mind once again awoke to the song that I had heard at Ashraya – “My Lighthouse”.
JJ loved the lighthouse song and we must have contributed to half the page views on the Rend Collective Youtube Channel for the next few months.
I hunted their albums at a few Christian stores, but never found any of their albums. I tried buying the CD online at an Indian store, but never succeeded.
Finally I looked at iTunes, but discovered that my Visa Debit cards could not be used – you needed a credit card. By now I was desperate! I searched eBay and bought an iTunes card (at a 25% premium) and that night I downloaded two of their albums.
So thats how Rend Collective finally got into my USB drive and got plugged into my car.
I’ve always been a music lover, but my passion has been subdued by a very busy work and home life.
I finally loved discovering a band that reignited the passion. I am now awaiting the release of their new album “As Family We Go”. I’m pretty sure I will be the first person to buy it from the iTunes India store.
Here are the links to the two songs that helped me find Rend Collective.
– “My LightHouse” by Rend Collective from the album “The Art of Celebration”.
– “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective from the album “Homemade Worship by Handmade People”