Category: internet
Life is Good
As promised, I’ve dug out a song from about 15 years ago to make a lyrics video. Stellar Kart had a pop-rock feel and I liked a handful of their numbers. Their album names were a little funny and some of their songs were fun. This song was a very simple but meaningful song. Song: Life is Good Artist: Stellar Kart Album: All Gas. No Brake. Released: 2005 Songwriters: Adam Agee / Cody Pellerin / Jordan Messer / Taylor Sitera Life Is Good lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc
Praise Him Moon and Stars
Some doodling with iMovie, Graham Kendrick and lyrics and put together a lyrics video. Maybe I’ll do this for older songs that are difficult to find on youtube – have to browse through my old CD and hard disks to see if I can get out some gems from the past.
Remember, God looks at your heart …… not at your Facebook profile. So honour Him in all that you do…. not just in all that you post. — Benji (@a2jesus) August 13, 2016
Discovering Rend Collective
Today, as we drove to church, a store, a lunch get-together at Bagayam and then back home, the predominant music playing in the car was by Rend Collective.Stumbling on to the band was semi-accidental.When we were in Chennai last year, we worshipped at a church called Ashraya. The worship leader led in a very lively song that stuck in my mind for weeks and then slowly faded away. In November 2014, my sister visited us at Vellore with her family. As we caught up and did lots of exciting things, we also played some songs that our children liked. J said that K loved this song and then played a video for us from youtube – the song was “Build…
I’ve hit the restart button on my blog and am considering blogging again. I don’t expect me to be as active as before, but hope to share thoughts and bits of my life.Its been a few years since my last entry – so hope I can keep the flow going!
Beautiful sentence
One of the features on my website is the A2J SMS service where I send Christian quotes to people who opt in. Once in a while I get people abroad who also subscribe.To tell you the truth I’ve been a little lax and the frequency of messages I send out has been drastically reduced – just my laziness.Today I received an SMS from a person in Iran.“Hi, excuse me. How can I receive more beautiful sentence, like the sentence that you send to me?!”His name is Ali and he had subscribed a few weeks ago and I had sent him this message when he joined, “If you forget to forgive, you have forgotten that you are forgiven”.I’m amazed that people…
On my website Addicted2Jesus, I have a section called Meditate-a-Minute. Its a series of short articles and some stories that I have written over the years.It’s been pretty dormant for some time and i decided to finally re-awaken it.For starters, i first installed a script so that surfers can submit articles and even comment on the articles. So that makes it more interactive!And now to get down to adding more content and newer articles.You can read the articles at addicted2jesus – meditate a minute and let me know what you think!
Shifting webhosts
As a cost saving venture I decided to try out a new host called midpulse. I’ve never heard of them before but they seemed to have a decent uptime and some really low cost hosting. I shifted without much of a problem but am running into problems transferring The initial problems was with the mysql database server settings which I succesfully changed. The links section is working perfectly fine, but the traffic exchange is down. the script seems installed but I cant adjust the admin settings at all. My only option is now to trust out a new script and I hope the cost balances out. My old host graciously adjusted the last payment I made for the…