Category: family
Nice birthday – parents and parents-in-law at home, buffet dinner yesterday, special cake, plenty of phonecalls, FB messages, orkut scraps, SMS… and then… lone pediatrician at the hospital, 50 patients in OPD, 5 kids with seizures, a twin delivery, acting anesthetist for an ortho procedure, on call, 2 kids post-op and 2 kids planned for surgery…. loving it! It can’t get more exciting, right!
A Godly punchline!
Sometimes the most awesome truths just blurt out of my mouth and I wonder where it came from. Divine intervention!!We were at a family get-together. As we were still the newly married couple (self proclaimed!) B and me were the center of attention. A rather tricky question was thrown at me: “So Jeyanth, when it all started, who made the choice first? Did you choose B or did B choose you?”.The answer came out in 0.00026 seconds!“Actually…. God chose us first!“Blink of an eye and an awesome truth dawned on everyone.Such words of wisdom inspire me to write a new book on Christian Punchlines! Wish me all the best!!
Rejoice TV
I still don’t remember when I started trying to create a website and how I actually succeeded. But I do remember trying MS Word, then frontpage, cutting and pasting code, getting free scripts and creating my website and blog without knowing much HTML and absolutely no PHP, javascript etc. I’ve tried hard and the results don’t seem really bad at all!!So when my Dad was approached to help establish a Christian TV Network in Chennai, he requested me to create their website! I felt flattered but could not turn down the request. Inspite of my limitations I finally managed to get most of the website up and functional. I now understand the meaning of the quote “God does not look…
A musical treat
One of the things I miss in Trichy is good music. Very rarely do we have bands or music programs happening here. A few days ago I bumped into Paul (I rarely meet him) and on casual inquiry found that a youth (teenagers) music program was scheduled on May 31st at St Johns Church in the morning service.My parents were here this weekend and we went to church and were treated to wholesome Christian music. There were about 10 songs and the girls who sang were amazing. Their vocals blended in unison and the parts were phenomenal. Wish I had recorded the audio to share with you all! I can leave you with just a picture but even that does…
60 to 120 in 24 hours!
We’d just reached Chennai after the long drive from Trichy and just as we were cleaning up and taking some rest it started. My dad’s tummy suddenly did a flip and he literally collapsed vomiting recurrently probably due to food poisoning. He could not even take any tablets or a sip of water and within an hour his blood pressure crashed to 60 systolic. My father-in-law and I decided to treat him at home and within a few minutes set up an IV line and rushed in some IV fluids and gave him some injections while the others rigged up a make-shift IV stand, etc. The BP improved to 100 systolic and after several hours the vomiting subsided after which…
A visit to my childhood
It used to be a sleepy little town – Virudhachalam. We stayed there for 1 year in 1980 where I started my schooling. My grandparents had stayed there most of their life and I have lots of childhood memories from that town. And finally after about 27 years I finally got to visit Virudhachalam again. The opportunity dawned since we had to visit a closeby place (Neyveli) for a wedding. It was a 4 hour drive from Trichy to Neyveli. On our way back we stopped at Virudhachalam and finally managed to locate the old house – I couldn’t even recognise it as it had been renovated in the front and a lot of shops had been built near the…
Sony K510i reclaimed!
Manufacturing company: Sony EricssonModel number: k510iDate of purchase: October 2006Date of theft: May 2008Last date of prayer: June 2008Date of recovery: September 2008Status: perfect condition – evry picture, every SMS, every contact and every scratch preserved! Becker kept telling us that we would definitely find the mobile again, but in true human style we stopped praying after some time.In true God style Jesus answered the long forgotten prayer in a way that blew our minds.The mobile was returned to Athai and Mama in Kodaikanal a week ago.Its a long story – the person who took it, stole it in a fit of anger and spent 110 days feeling something gnawing on his conscience.Today I finally got it in my hands…
Chennai Tiruchi Dubai
Today was the day Appa and Amma finally flew to the US via Dubai! Becky and I helped do the final packing and rearranging and finally through the lost keys, gifts, medicines and meals we had 2 big suitcases and 2 hand baggages looking neat and tidy. We double-checked everything at home and around midnight went to the airport. I was a tad nervous as I was worried that the queues would be long and Appa and Amma had no help. But a few minutes after we bid farewell Appa called and said that as they were senior citizens they were given priority and never waited in any of the queues! At 2 AM we drove back to Trichy –…
Six strings!
At 4 PM there we were – on the car clutching our own six-string: a Pluto Hardwood acoustic guitar that Appa and Amma had presented to us for our Anniversary. Its an amazing story.We’d decided to buy a guitar this weekend when we were in Chennai. As soon as we reached home Appa and Amma presented us a huge card and in it was some money – “Buy what you want” It took us 3 seconds to decide to buy a guitar. At the store we bought a guitar that cost almost twice as much – Becky and I thought we’d pitch in the extra cash! But Appa refused and paid the full cost! It was worth every rupee spent…
Goofy day! Thats what today was. Can you imagine – 5 goof-ups in one day? Yup…. I did it. Luckily they were all minor and we ended up with a few laughs!1. As the official teamaker of the house I quickly went through the motions – heat the water, sprinkle in the tea leaves..filter…. blah…blah and 5 minutes later I was stirring the cups vigorously….. only to realise that I was supposed to be doing it to dissolve the sugar but never actually put in the sugar. Minor hiccup and a funny smile on Beckys face…. thats all.2. We decided to go out shopping and then to Joyce Auntys house. We got on the scooter and Becky went through a…